
What is Spravato?

Spravato, the brand name for esketamine, is a groundbreaking treatment option specifically designed for adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Unlike traditional antidepressants that primarily target serotonin and other monoamine neurotransmitters, esketamine works differently by affecting the NMDA receptor, which plays a crucial role in the brain's synaptic plasticity and mood regulation.

How Does Spravato Work?

Esketamine, a derivative of ketamine, is administered as a nasal spray in a clinical setting. It offers rapid relief from depressive symptoms, often within hours or days, compared to the weeks or months that traditional antidepressants may require. This makes it a particularly valuable option for individuals who have not responded to other forms of treatment.

Benefits of Spravato:

  • Rapid Relief: Spravato can significantly reduce symptoms of depression in as little as 24 hours.
  • New Mechanism of Action: Unlike conventional antidepressants, Spravato targets the glutamatergic system, providing an alternative approach to treatment.
  • Improves Symptoms of Depression: Particularly effective for individuals who have not experienced sufficient relief from at least two other antidepressants.
  • Reduction in Suicidal Ideation: Spravato has been shown to reduce suicidal thoughts, offering critical support during a crisis.
  • Adjunct Therapy: Used in conjunction with an oral antidepressant, Spravato enhances the overall treatment plan for TRD.

The Treatment Process at Lucid Therapeutics:

  • Preparation: Comprehensive assessment and discussion to determine if Spravato is right for you.
  • Administration: Spravato is administered via nasal spray in a monitored setting. Sessions are typically conducted twice weekly for the first four weeks.
  • Monitoring: After administration, patients remain under observation for at least two hours to ensure safety and manage any potential side effects.
  • Integration: Our team supports you in integrating the experience, helping you to process the treatment's effects on your mood and mental health.

Is Spravato Right for You?

Spravato is specifically approved for adults with treatment-resistant depression. If you have tried multiple antidepressants without success, this innovative treatment could offer the relief you’ve been seeking. Our team at Lucid Therapeutics is here to guide you through the process, providing the support and care you need to achieve better mental health.